Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Operation: Towson, Victory

James here.

Operation: Towson is safely in the rear view mirror and we are all feeling that sweetly mingled sensation that victory brings: a mixture of excitement, deep satisfaction, and relief.

We did it again. Bigger, Badder, and Better.

We had three performances, playing to nearly full capacity each show. Had an ugly snowstorm not descended upon the Chesapeake and given the east coast its first taste of winter, I've no doubt we would've filled every seat on Saturday night as well. Even with very little advertising on our part tickets were selling, thanks in part to some tremendous word of mouth. On Saturday night we had only sold about 60% of the house for Sunday's show. By 11:00 am the next day we were completely sold out. To all of you who gave us your support by spreading the word, we salute you.

Immediately evident from the first performance was how much the show has grown since last June. I don't think that there is anyone involved with "Machine Gunner" since Wordbridge who wouldn't agree that it is smoother, more poignant, and more emotionally gripping than before.

Having three performances also gave us a chance to change things up from show to show. Most of these changes were relatively minor: using different lighting effects and trying new sound cues, changes in blocking, etc. Other changes were more dramatic. The "Bullet Points" veil of secrecy is always in effect here, but suffice to say that if you saw the show on Friday, you saw a different ending than those in the audience on Saturday and Sunday.

What direction will the shows ending eventually take? Even amongst ourselves we find disparate opinions. Only time will tell.

But I know one thing for certain.

I'm ready to find out.

